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Various Reasons Why You May Have Developed Heel Pain

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Heel pain is one of the most common ailments people will endure at one point or another. It should be noted though that heel pain on its own is not a health condition. Instead, it is a symptom of an underlying problem. Therefore, it is essential to know the different causes of heel pain so you can whittle down the reasons why you may have developed it in the first place. If you develop heel pain, it is recommend seeking the attention of a podiatrist as some causes of heel pain can become aggravated if not treated appropriately. So what are some of the various reasons why you may have developed heel pain?

Heel spurs

Heel spurs refer to abnormal growths that occur at the point at which your plantar fascia attached itself to the heel bone. A heel spur will develop due to the plantar fascia being exposed to consistent strain, which makes this pain common in individuals who engage in running and jogging. Heel spurs can also come about if you are overweight, as your increased weight will be applying pressure to the plantar fascia whenever you are on your feet. Lastly, wearing ill-fitting shoes or engaging in physical activities without property foot support will eventually lead to heel spurs.

Heel bursitis

This condition comes about when the bursa becomes inflamed. The bursa refers to a sac in your foot that functions to ensure the different muscles and tendons are flexible when you are moving the joint in your foot. There are various reasons why the bursa may suffer from inflammation. This condition will develop gradually in people with improper gait, as the bad posture will exert excessive pressure on the sac. You could also become at risk of heel bursitis if your shoes are not adequately cushioned, exposing the bursa to undue pressure.

Achilles heel

This cause of heel pain is also referred to as Achilles tendonitis. It occurs when the Achilles tendon has been used excessively, which causes it to develop inflammation. Some of the ways that you could overuse the Achilles heel include jumping or engaging in any physically intensive activities that would put undue strain on the tendon. You are also at risk of developing Achilles heel if you wear shoes that will be digging into the back of your heel, leading to aggravation of the Achilles tendon. Lastly, although relatively rare, some individual may end up developing Achilles tendonitis if they are suffering from reactive or rheumatoid arthritis.
