Healthy and Happy Feet with the Help of a Podiatrist

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Podiatric Treatment For Tiptoe Walking In Children

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When children are learning to walk, strengthening their muscles and gaining confidence in their ability to get around independently, tiptoe walking is not a concern. However, if you have a school-aged child who still tends to walk on their tiptoes, it's wise to seek treatment. They may simply have formed a strong habit of walking this way, or they may have an underlying condition, such as a tight Achilles tendon, that makes tiptoe walking more comfortable for them. If your child continues to walk predominately on their tiptoes, their joint flexibility could be compromised and the muscles in their lower legs will be put under excess strain, which could lead to them developing orthopaedic problems are they get older. A podiatrist can work with your child to put an end to tiptoe walking and get your child taking full heel-to-toe steps. Read on to learn about how a podiatrist can help.

Stretching And Strengthening Exercises

A podiatrist will carry out a foot assessment on your child and determine whether they have tightness or weakness in their foot muscles that make it uncomfortable for them to put their heel down. They can then show you and your child how to do a range of targeted foot exercises to stretch and strengthen the foot muscles. These exercises will improve the range of motion in your child's feet and help them to make changes to how they move their feet when walking.

Custom Orthotic Insoles

A podiatrist can measure and fit your child for orthotic insoles designed to support your child's foot muscles and ligaments. Insoles designed specifically for tiptoe walking are made to apply a little additional pressure to the heel. This stimulates the nerves in the back of the foot and encourages your child to use their heel when walking. Orthotic insoles can be worn indefinitely and slipped inside shoes to create a comfortable, cushioned feeling when wearing the shoes.

Ankle-Foot Orthosis

If a podiatrist determines your child has weak foot and leg muscles, which can cause the foot to drop forward at the toes, they may recommend an ankle-foot orthosis. This is a type of brace that's made to fit your child and holds your child's foot in the correct position. This can relieve muscle strain and will encourage your child to adapt their walking technique. The podiatrist will check on your child's progress regularly and make a recommendation for how long your child will require the support of an ankle-foot orthosis.

If you have a little one who's a tiptoes walker, book an initial appointment with a local podiatrist to get their input. To learn more, contact a podiatry clinic, like Beenleigh Podiatry Centre.
